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Terms and Conditions


Please ensure you have thoroughly read our terms and conditions for clients before making your deposit payment to Alpine Angels Childcare. By paying your deposit to Alpine Angels Childcare to confirm a booking, you are therefore agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions.


Payments & Deposits

2.1 A deposit to Alpine Angels Childcare must be made in order to secure the booking and the dates requested.

2.2 Once the deposit payment has been made to Alpine Angels Childcare it is non-refundable, even if the client cancels the booking. Deposit payments will only be refunded in circumstances where Alpine Angels Childcare is unable to fulfill the booking made.

2.3 The remainder of the amount payable should be made in cash (€) to the nanny introduced to you at the commencement of the booking. It may also be able to be paid via bank transfer if your nanny agrees.

2.4 Any additional hours requested after the booking has been confirmed must be put through Alpine Angels Childcare. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the booking with no refund made to the client.

2.5 Failure for clients to abide by agreed times to collect their children will result in further payment of €20 per every 15minutes they are late after the first 15minutes - unless parents have contacted their nanny and agreed an extension to the times. Failure to make this payment directly to Alpine Angels Childcare may result in cancellation of the remainder of the booking with no refund to the client. This is to ensure that nannies are able to attend any other bookings promptly.



3.1 Once a booking has been confirmed the client may not change the hours requested unless agreed by Alpine Angels Childcare or their nanny (who will discuss with Alpine Angels)

3.2 Unless otherwise agreed by Alpine Angels Childcare, bookings are 4 morning hours (8.00-12.00), 4 afternoon hours (12.30-16.30) or a full day (8 hours of your choosing between 08.00-18.00) and are usually for 6 consecutive days. For evening/night babysitting a minimum of 3 hours is required for a booking.

3.3 If the client chooses not to use the nanny introduced for any of the hours booked, no refund will be made. Hours may be able to made up at another time but this is not guaranteed and should be discussed with your nanny.

3.4 In rare cases, especially bookings for longer than one week, it may not be possible to allocate the same nanny for the whole period of the booking. In these cases a prior meeting with the second nanny will be arranged.



4.1 If a booking is cancelled prior to commencement, by the client, the deposit will not be refunded.

4.2 If the remainder of the booking is cancelled partway through the booking, the full balance is payable to the nanny.

4.3 If Alpine Angels Childcare is unable to fulfill the booking for any reason i.e the nanny allocated to the client is sick and another nanny is not available to fulfill the booking or adverse weather , a full refund will be made if the booking has not yet commenced. If the booking has already started, the percentage of the booking that has not been fulfilled will be reimbursed to the client by Alpine Angels Childcare.

4.5 If the clients cancels the whole booking with less than 15 days notice until commencement then the balance payable to the nanny must still be paid by bank transfer to the nanny allocated to you.



5.1 It is the clients responsibility to supply the nanny allocated to them with any information regarding a child’s allergies or illnesses. If a child requires any medication whilst in the care of the nanny, written consent must be provided by the parent with explicit information on dosage and times.

5.2 The client agrees for the nanny to act on their behalf in case of an emergency where the client is not present.

5.3 The client agrees for the nanny to discipline their children appropriately if they display aggressive or dangerous behavior whilst in the nannies care.

5.4 It is the clients responsibility to provide the nanny with money should they wish for the nanny to engage in activities with the children that require payment. In this case the client must pay for both the child and the nanny.

5.5 It is the clients responsibility to provide the nanny with any products for the child’s protection i.e Sunscreen, sunglasses, helmets, appropriate footwear and clothes etc.

5.6 If the child has a contagious disease that the client did not inform of prior to the booking commencing the nanny reserves the right to cancel the booking with full payment to be made by the client.

5.7 Alpine Angels Childcare and the nanny introduced to you accepts no responsibility if your child is involved in an accident, causes an accident or injury, damages any property or causes any money to be lost to either the client or a third party. No payment will be made by Alpine Angels Childcare to cover such costs.

5.8 The nannies details passed to you for introduction following confirmation of the booking are strictly confidential and must not be passed to any third party in order for them to engage directly with the nanny. Any evidence of the client doing so may result in full cancellation of the booking with no refund made.’

5.9 Photos may be taken by Alpine Angels Childcare for use with advertising or social media unless a request is made otherwise by the client.



6.1 Alpine Angels Childcare is an introductory childcare agency. The Client/guest is the employer. Although every effort has been made to ensure the nanny is appropriate for your request.

6.2 It is the clients responsibility to ensure they are happy with the nannies experience, references and qualifications prior to commencement of the booking. Although these have all already been checked by Alpine Angels Childcare and deemed to be of high standards they can be supplied to the client prior to booking if requested.




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